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Die ABC-Analyse ist eine universell …

Die ABC-Analyse ist eine universell einsetzbare Methode zur Klassifizierung von Elementen (z.B. Artikel-/Produkt-/Kundenspektrum) anhand zuvor gewählter Eigenschaften (z.B. Stückkosten, Verbrauchsmenge, Verbrauchswert).


Benchmarking consists of a detailed …

Benchmarking consists of a detailed analysis of the most important competitors and a comparison to the own operational situation.


Brainstorming is a group-oriented method …

Brainstorming is a group-oriented method to generate ideas with the aim to collect as many different and even unconventional solution ideas regarding a specific topic or keyword in as little time as possible.

Cost–Utility Analysis

Die Nutzwertanalyse dient zur Bewertung …

Die Nutzwertanalyse dient zur Bewertung des technischen, sicherheitstechnischen, ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Wertes einer Lösungsvariante bezüglich einer Zielvorstellung.

Defects Analysis

Defects analysis is used to …

Defects analysis is used to structurally do damage assessment. The reasons for the defect are traced back through the product's life course and the underlying product principle.

Design Catalogues - Application

Design catalogs are a collection …

Design catalogs are a collection of proven solutions for various design tasks. They are meant to give impulses for solutions or be transferred by systematically matching features and task requirements.

Design Catalogues - Creation

Design catalogs are a collection …

Design catalogs are a collection of solutions for various design tasks. They allow for systematic storing of design knowledge.

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

With the FMEA it is …

With the FMEA it is possible to systematically and fully capture as well as predict possible problems, their risks and consequences before they actually occur.

Gallery Method

The gallery method combines individual …

The gallery method combines individual and group work. It fosters creativity especially with open, graphic representations or discussions about possible solutions.

General Function Structures

General function structures are used …

General function structures are used to abstractly depict a system's functions without specifying the respective implementation in the form of energy, material and information.

House of Quality

The method explains why the …

The method explains why the House of Quality can be helpful to transfer customer requirements to a product's qualitative and technical features.


Die Kopfstandtechnik ist eine Ideenfindungsmethode …

Die Kopfstandtechnik ist eine Ideenfindungsmethode und dient dazu die Innovation durch Umkehren der Problemstellung zu steigern.

Literature and Patent Research

Literature and patent research helps …

Literature and patent research helps gathering information on state-of-the-art technology, ist background and circumstances as well as collecting first solution ideas while avoiding duplication at work.

Logical Function Structures

Logical function structures (LFS) are …

Logical function structures (LFS) are used to define and analyze technical systems in terms of information processing without specifying the implementation of each function.

Matrix of Contradictions and Inventive Principles (from TRIZ)

The matrix of contradictions helps …

The matrix of contradictions helps resolve technical contradictions in an innovative way. The improvement of one parameter will cause the deterioration of another.

Method 635

The Method 635 is a group-oriented method to generate ideas in writing for solutions to a given design or conceptual task.

Moderation Technique

The moderation technique is a …

The moderation technique is a group-based method to generate and analyze ideas to regulate the communication within a working group.

Module Indication Matrix

The module indication matrix is …

The module indication matrix is for identifying module candidates for the modular product architecture.

Morphological Analysis

The morphological analysis can be …

The morphological analysis can be done alone or in a group. It is used to solve a problem by breaking it down into ist individual parts.

Pairwise comparison

Pair-by-pair comparison is for comparing …

Pair-by-pair comparison is for comparing points of comparison or evaluation criteria.


Speziell im Bereich der Oberflächengestaltung …

Speziell im Bereich der Oberflächengestaltung lässt sich die Vermittlung des gestalterischen und funktionalen Produktkonzeptes über einen Papierprototyp mit einfachsten Mitteln erreichen.


Zur nutzerzentrierten Lösungsfindung werden idealtypische …

Zur nutzerzentrierten Lösungsfindung werden idealtypische Personen/Nutzergruppen entwickelt, die das Team bei Entscheidungen inspirieren.

Physical Function Structures

With physical function structures it …

With physical function structures it is possible present technical systems through physical effects as well as find effect chains for solution variants.

Point Rating System

The method of using a …

The method of using a point rating system is used for evaluating solution alternatives with regard to selected criteria.


Lösungsideen in der Gestaltenden Phase …

Lösungsideen in der Gestaltenden Phase simpel verwirklichen und anwenden, analysieren, sowie die gewonnenen Erkentnissen einfließen lassen.

Requirements Documentation

The list of requirements is …

The list of requirements is used structurally document requirements for the product to be developed.

Requirements from an Analysis of Life Cycle Phases

The analysis of life cycle …

The analysis of life cycle phases helps analyzing tasks or problems systematically following the life cycle phases of the underlying product.

Selection List

Eine Auswahlliste erleichtert den Umgang …

Eine Auswahlliste erleichtert den Umgang mit einer großen Fülle von Lösungsalternativen durch systematisches Auswählen nach gleichen Kriterien.


Synectics is a group-based method …

Synectics is a group-based method to generate ideas which is achieved by deliberately and intensively alienating the problem.


Die Methode Think-Pair-Share ist eine …

Die Methode Think-Pair-Share ist eine Methode zur Ideenfindung und dient dazu kooperativ neue Ideen zu einem Problem oder einer Frage zu sammeln.

Value Analysis

In value analysis a group …

In value analysis a group of experts is tasked with systematically analyzing an objects functions and referring to ist specific costs.


The w-question-method helps analyzing problems …

The w-question-method helps analyzing problems and tasks by asking the w-questions.

Weak Point Analysis

Weak point analysis furthers the …

Weak point analysis furthers the development  of a product by gathering information and analyzing weak points of previous products.

Weighted Point Rating System

The weighted point rating system …

The weighted point rating system is an evaluation procedure allowing for a detailed comparison of solution variants.


Die Methode World-Café ist eine …

Die Methode World-Café ist eine Ideenfindungsmethode und dient dazu in wechselnden Gruppenkonstellationen Ideen und Lösungen zu einer oder mehrerer zuvor vorgestellten Problemstellung zu entwickeln.

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  aktualisiert am Feb. 17, 2025, 10:31 a.m.
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