

Aim of method usage:
  • develop ideas
  • increase innovation
  • determine solution principle
Method classification:
  • Methods for solution generation
Process phase:
  • conceptual design

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Gallery Method

The gallery method combines individual and group work. It fosters creativity and mutual stimulation especially with open, graphic representations or discussions about possible solutions.
Every participant will produce 2 to 3 solution sketches to a given problem and then present them like a gallery. The group then views each sketch while the creator explains his idea; further suggestions and ideas are exchanged. Following that, each participant continues to individually work on their idea for the second round.
By taking up and refining the individually created ideas of each participant, the group's creativity is meant to be boosted.


  1. Preparation phase: the problem is defined and presented by the group leader or moderator.
  2. Generation of ideas I (about 30 minutes): every participant produces 2 to 3 solution sketches including functional explanations.
  3. Associative phase (about 20 minutes): the results of the previous phase are arranged like in a gallery so that all participants may view and discuss them. The goal is to critically observe every solution idea and to get new ideas through additional suggestions.
  4. Generation of ideas II (20 to 30 minutes): Every participants includes the new suggestions into the solution ideas and puts together a final proposition. The generation of ideas as well as the associative phase may be repeated if necessary.
  5. Evaluation phase: All propositions are view, sorted and if necessary completed.
  6. Selection phase: the most promising ideas are selected.

Strengths and weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
  • visual and structural preparation
  • each participant may find his own working rhythm
  • no time pressure for design
  • useful addition to other methods that support the solution finding process
  • processing of results is time consuming

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  aktualisiert am Nov. 15, 2015, 3:42 p.m.
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