

Aim of method usage:
  • determine solution principle
  • reduce complexity
  • describe function
  • determine working principle
Method classification:
  • Methods for analysis and aims
  • Methods for solution generation
Process phase:
  • conceptual design

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Physical Function Structures

Function Variable Matrix, Collection of Effects

With physical function structures it is possible present technical systems through physical effects as well as find effect chains for solution variants. Based on an abstract solution for a technical system, the function variable matrix and the collection of effects help finding suitable physical, biological or chemical effects to be implemented in the desired form.
Within the function variable matrix one function variable (eg. F=force, s=shift) is selected to be the input variable. Using direct effects or several effects, the effect chain, the necessary function variable can be used as input.
Construction variables (eg. A=area, n=winding number) are used by the designer as variable for the later construction and dimensioning within the physical effects.

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  aktualisiert am Nov. 15, 2015, 4:23 p.m.
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