

Aim of method usage:
  • develop ideas
  • increase innovation
  • determine features
  • determine similarities
  • reduce complexity
Method classification:
  • Methods for analysis and aims
  • Methods for solution generation
Process phase:
  • conceptual design
  • embodiment design

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Matrix of Contradictions and Inventive Principles (from TRIZ)

TRIZ - Theory of the Resolution of Invention-related Tasks

The theory of inventive problem solving TRIZ (Teorija Reschenija Izobretatel’skich Zadac) includes an enormous collection of tools for developing innovative solutions for technical problems; for example
- formulating a problem to systematize the task
- patent research to gather information/ knowledge
- conflicts on how to create analogies
- S-curves for describing technology development

The matrix of contradictions helps resolve technical contradictions in an innovative way. The improvement of one parameter will cause the deterioration of another.
The matrix of contradictions contains in its lines 39 technical parameters waiting for improvement and its columns the parameters to be downgraded, all of them formulated in an abstract way. The intersecting cells between parameters "to be improved" and "to be downgraded" refer back to the 40 innovative basic principles that are to resolve any conflict between the parameters.
As the suggested innovative basic principles are specified, the first solution ideas will emerge.


  1. Formulate problem in colloquial terms: formulation of problem or existing conflict in colloquial terms as preparation for the translation into 39 technical parameters.
  2. Formulate conflict in 39 technical parameters: using 39 parameters to describe the parameters to be improved and to be downgraded to resolve the contradiction of the problem.
  3. Extract solution approaches from matrix of contradictions: using the matrix to find the innovative basic principles corresponding to the parameters to be improved and downgraded.
  4. Develop solutions from solution approaches: Collection of innovative basic principles as well as collection and enhancement of examples for basic principles. Then development of solutions to resolve the contradictions.

Strengths and weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
  • allows for creativity
  • innovative
  • results can be transferred onto other problems because of their high level of abstraction
  • resolving technical contradictions
  • high level of abstraction
  • difficult to understand
  • mistakes during abstraction/ specializing process likely
  • basic principle needs to be identified in detail
  • a lot of experience required
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  aktualisiert am April 20, 2016, 9:27 a.m.
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