

Aim of method usage:
  • rate alternatives
  • weight solution variants
  • support decisions
Method classification:
  • Methods for evaluation and decision making
Process phase:
  • conceptual design
  • embodiment design

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Point Rating System

Basic Point Rating System

The method of using a point rating system is used for evaluating solution alternatives with regard to selected criteria.
The evaluation is done by awarding points (grades) which are then added up for each solution alternative. There is no weighting of the different criteria. The amount of points of each alternative can be a factor when selecting one solution over another. If multiple solutions end up having the same amount of points, they can be differentiated through a more thorough evaluation.


  1. Define evaluation criteria: the evaluation criteria are only a fraction of the requirements listed and depend on the present decision-making situation.
  2. Determination of point value: Each solution variant is given points depending on how closely it fulfills the criteria. Additionally, concrete characteristics for each criterium are set.
  3. Scoring system: Each solution variant gets points for the different criteria.
  4. Calculation total sum of points: It is done by adding up the points for each alternative.
  5. Establish ranking: the solution variants are ranked according to their amount of points.

Strengths and weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
  • universally usable
  • influence of subjective features on objective features becomes transparent
  • establishing useful criteria can be problematic
  • danger of flawed evaluation based on schematic, singled out criteria

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  aktualisiert am Nov. 15, 2015, 5:36 p.m.
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