

Aim of method usage:
  • compare alternatives
Method classification:
  • Methods for evaluation and decision making
Process phase:
  • conceptual design
  • embodiment design

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Pairwise comparison

pair-by-pair comparison

Pair-by-pair comparison is for comparing points of comparison.
The relative importance or power of each point of comparison is evaluated through binary decisions so that the weighing of the points of comparison is made considerably easier.


  1. Listing of points of comparison: the points of comparison or evaluation criteria are sorted into a matrix for comparison.
  2. Evaluation of relative importance: the points of comparison are ranked on a scale 0 (less important/ powerful), 1 (equally important/ powerful) and 2 (more important/ powerful).
  3. Summation of points: By adding up the numbers for each point of comparison, one gets the total weighing for each.

Strengths and weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
  • direct comparison of points of comparison
  • complex with increasing number of points of comparison
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  aktualisiert am Sept. 5, 2016, 10:37 a.m.
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