

Aim of method usage:
  • describe function
  • determine requirements
  • define goals
Method classification:
  • Methods for analysis and aims
  • Methods for solution generation
Process phase:
  • clarifying the task

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Requirements from an Analysis of Life Cycle Phases

Search Matrix, Search Cube, Main Properties List

The analysis of life cycle phases helps analyzing tasks or problems systematically following the life cycle phases of the underlying product.
Step by step each phase and its boundary conditions, that determine the later use, are analyzed and information on requirements among others can be deduced. For this analysis, the following major life cycle phases may be essential:

  • planning (idea for product, development, design)
  • production (manufacture, assembly, examination)
  • distribution (storage, distribution, transport)
  • use (activation, use, maintenance, repair)
  • decommissioning (dismantling, reprocessing, recycling, permanent disposal)


  1. Define task: determine and define task or problem.
  2. Analysis according to life cycle phases: examine the product step by step for ist requirements or characteristics. Additional tools may be Franke's search matrix, a search cube or Pahl and Beitz's list of main features (cf. tools).
  3. Documentation: document the results for example in a list of requirements.

Strengths and weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
  • increases clearity of problems

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  aktualisiert am Nov. 15, 2015, 4:47 p.m.
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